Become an NLP Practitioner with Nepheritie Jade Coaching Institute


If you’ve ever wondered about these questions and would like to have the skills that make excellence possible, then this training is for you:

  • What are the thinking patterns that successful people use in the pursuit of their activities, their passion and their mission in life?
  • How do people who are so good at what they do become so good and maintain that level through time?
  • How are great communicators able to communicate so effectively?
  • What are the decision and motivation strategies necessary for effective leadership, management, relationships and parenting?
  • What makes it possible for natural athletes and other super performers to achieve such a high level of excellence?

The Nepheritie Jade Coaching Institute provides Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Life Coach Training, utilising a culmination of sciences and coaching models, offering a unique methodology which has been practiced for over 45 years. The training combines Neural Science, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Quantum Physics, Behavioural Sciences and several other coaching models. This scientific, yet holistic, approach has revolutionised the standard of Life Coaching.

The course offers an option of single certification in the Personal Breakthrough Experience, NLP Practitioner training, Life Coach training, Hypnosis Practitioner training, Time Line Therapy Practitioner training or a full ten-day training course consists of the two-day Transformation Experience followed by eight days of preparation for certification in Life Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner Techniques or TST. At the end of the ten-days graduates will receive five internationally recognised qualifications and will be able to practice as a certified life coach.

Spaces for the courses are extremely limited so securing a ticket is essential. Tickets can be purchase via For more information, visit